Today was the 10-year anniversary of Windows 95. I wouldn’t have known, if not for the out of office message from someone on my team this afternoon, who was attending a 10-year anniversary celebration. His OOF message also had a link to a great little tidbit from Raymond Chen describing his experience at the launch party 10 years ago.
And one of the comments on Raymond’s blog post was pretty amazing too:
As I have for the last 5 or 6 years, I’m having a “birthday party” for Windows95 today. For real. I know that sounds totally nuts (and it probably is to some degree), but Windows95 took us all out of the dark ages and into the new frontier. Me and my co-coders will get some cake and soda and play “Start Me Up” from a Win95 CD… Nerds at their worst… I mean best.
I hope that the release of Vista meets with some excitement as well. :)