What’s New in the Beta 1 RC

Tim Sneath, one of the Avalon evangelists, has written a great article for MSDN entitled “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Avalon Beta 1 RC.” The article contains a wealth of information on what is new for this release, including sample code and instructions for best utilizing these features through Visual Studio.

Until it propagates through and makes it to an MSDN server near you, you can access it here. Be sure to check out Express apps and video!

Avalon + Indigo Beta 1 RC Released!

The Avalon + Indigo May CTP (aka the “Beta 1 RC”) is now live on microsoft.com and ready for your consumption. You’ll also want to install Visual Studio Beta 2 before you start playing.

Drew Marsh has already started a change log to help those of you who plan to port your projects from the March CTP to this release.

And I will point you to other resources as they materialize…