WPF/E, or “Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere,” is a lightweight cross-platform (and cross-browser) runtime whose functionality is a subset of WPF. Joe Stegman and Mike Harsh are Program Managers on the WPF/E team, and both of them have just started blogging about the work they are doing. Check ’em out!
3 thoughts on “The WPF/E Team is Blogging”
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well i have a ? it looks that wpe+XAML+vista…….. they are gona change alot of thngs what do you think?
We hope that it will make an impact. :)
What is the ETA for the WPF/E version? We NEED it for the upcoming release of our MadCap Mimic software! – we use Flash now but we can’t wait until we can support WPF/E!